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I think therefore I am? - with Sarah Fraser on Tues 7th March


Sarah will introduce us to the concept of mental models as a means of unpacking and understanding ourselves as coaches. By shining a light on how our biology, language, culture and personal circumstances have influenced our thinking, we can begin to identify which thoughts or beliefs may no longer be valid or where we may be missing something crucial.

This workshop will help you move further towards being impartial, objective and truly present in the world of your clients. During the session, you will get the opportunity to coach each other around your mental models exploring how they show up for you and what effect they may be having on your work with clients.

Sarah Fraser has been coaching people towards happiness and high performance at her company, Happiness Express, since 2009. She holds a diploma in Personal Performance Coaching, credentialed at Master Certified Coach level with ICF, NLP Master Practitioner and MBTI certified. In 2018, Sarah qualified as a Certified Mentor Coach. Sarah includes speaking engagements, meeting facilitation and workshops in her offering, having talked at networking groups across the world, and supported various large corporates as well as small-medium-sized companies at team away days and on their leadership programmes. Following thirteen years in various global corporate roles, and working in the UK, USA, The Netherlands and Australia, Sarah moved into coaching where she has amassed almost 2800 hours of coaching worldwide across 45+ different nationalities.

If you attend all the live online meeting/or listen to the recording, you will received 1.5 CCEs in Core Competencies.

Sarah's Linkedin
Sarah's Web Page

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1.    Who or what inspired you to do what you do?   

I'd been working in marketing for 13 years, climbing to director level, working long hours, often overseas. In parallel, my thoughts had increasingly been turning to what really matters in life, looking at Eastern philosophies, doing more yoga and meditation. The two paths seemed somewhat at loggerheads with each other. On the one hand I was encouraging people to buy more stuff that they likely didn't really need; on the other hand, I was simplifying my own life, consuming less, tuning into experiences over possessions. 

Alongside this, as part of a talent programme at work, I'd been invited to coach newcomers in the organisation. I discovered I not only had an aptitude for coaching, but found it super rewarding too. The seed was sown. 

 2.    What do you find the most challenging about your work?  

To be honest, talks like this! I have a happily ticking along business that could keep me shied away from this sort of exposure. However, I gained my MCC credential last year, right around the time that my dad passed away. He'd always been so proud of me and encouraged me to keep learning and growing. But, as many of you may attest, as a self-employed coach, there's no boss requiring you to step up to the next level. So, I decided in 2023 that I needed to give myself a push to get out of my comfort zone and bring more of me to the world! 

 3.    What's the biggest lesson you have learnt in recent years? 

Having had my coaching business for 13 years now, I feel like I'm in a stable enough position to be able to choose the sort of work I want to do – finding my right balance between coaching, mentoring and facilitation work. This requires regular check-ins with myself. Am I still loving what I'm doing? Am I still learning? Is it still keeping us financially comfortable?! Joy, Growth and Wealth are my three drivers that I look to balance. 

 4.    If you could wave a magic wand and have one wish for you or your coaching practice, what would it be and why? 

When my son came into my life seven years ago, I made a decision to do less of my own business development and rely more on Associate work, so I could focus on the actual coaching and still have time to be with my boy. As he grows and needs me less, my intention is to bring more work under my own Happiness Express brand. But, despite having a marketing background, it's not my favourite thing to do. So, waving a magic wand that would do all that marketing and business development for me would be my one wish!  

 5.    Tell us a fact that not many people know about you... 

I was the youngest ever Marcom Strategist at Philips (by a good ten years), paving the way for subsequent early-career professionals to follow suit! 

Clear introduction and explanation of mental models. Confident and clear presenter”
“Mixture of listening to the speaker, seeing the engagement from the attendees, small group discussions”
“Thank you LCG for organising such amazing speakers who deliver such great presentations to help us with our professional learning and to enable us to start going deeper and/or using the information in our coaching practice
— Quote Source
London Coaching Group