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Clean Language Coaching - with Marian Way on Tues 21st March

Inner Work, Outer Impact: Workshop 3 in the Series


Whenever we ask a question, we are up to something." This quote from David Grove, the originator of Clean Language questions, provides a 'way in' to this workshop, in which we will consider what we may be 'up to' when we ask a coaching question. We'll consider some of the reasons why we might ask a specific coaching question, then Marian will introduce a model which considers this question in terms of just three possibilities: Do we want the client to keep their attention where it is? Do we want them to return their attention to something previously mentioned? Or do we want to invite them to consider something different?

Marian will also share how Clean Language questions, being as free from our own assumptions as possible, allow us to track more easily what we are up to - and what is happening to our client's attention too. In this experiential workshop nthere will be a mix of group discussion, coaching practice and observation.

Marian's whole career has been based around teaching and training. She trained in NLP to Master Practitioner and Trainer level, which led to her discovering Clean Language, her passion for the last 20 years. Her coaching work is with private individuals, including business owners and many coaches. She has delivered training in various aspects of Clean Language across the world and is the author of 'Clean Approaches for Coaches' and co-author of 'Insights in Space' and 'So you want to be ... #DramaFree'. Marian holds a PCC with the ICF and has co-developed an ICF-accredited Clean Language-based programme that she runs each year.

If you attend all the live online meeting/or listen to the recording, you will received 1.5 CCEs in Core Competencies

Marian's Linkedin

Marian’s Web Page

If you are interested in a particular event but unable to attend the live session, you have the option to buy a ticket for that particular event to receive the recording and resources. For the March series, if you are interested in all the events but unable to attend some of the live sessions, buying the discounted ticket for the whole series you can receive all the recordings and all resources and follow-up communications for all events in the series.

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1. Who or what inspired you to do what you do?

I attended an NLP Conference in 1999 and saw James Lawley present on 'Using Clean Language to work with BInds'. I became the demo subject, and was hooked.

2. What do you find the most challenging about your work?

The times when I am doing admin or marketing and not coaching or training.    

3. What's the biggest lesson you have learnt in recent years?

That if I am overwhelmed, it all goes back to scheduling ... I am learning to schedule fewer trainings and leave time for things that come up - including people wanting coaching sessions.

4. If you could wave a magic wand and have one wish for you or your coaching practice, what would it be and why?

I can't really think of anything. I fit my coaching around my trainings and, more recently I have also taken up art. It's all good

5. Tell us a fact that not many people know about you...

It took me seven attempts to pass my driving test.

It was fantastic, I loved the subject and it was great to practice the theory with fantastic other coaches”
”Marian’s very clear explanation of clean language”.
“Thank you The London Coaching Group for an excellent event that will help my coaching practice, I learnt so much from it.
— Quote Source
London Coaching Group